So, after an excruciatingly long wait we opened the kiln yesterday. It was cool enough to unpack on Tuesday but I was flying off the Belfast to do a 2 day Masterclass and public lecture at the University of Ulster. My first visit to Ireland + of course had to sample the true Irish Guinness. Had an excellent time and Belfast seems like a great city.
Anyway...back to the firing....

This is a view from the firebox. As you can see cone 12 didn't go down at the front though it did throughout the rest of the kiln. Overall it was a very good firing. As it was longer than usual I used a selection of much stiffer glazes to allow for the extra ash deposits + time, however the results were very similar to my usual firings. the grate was surprisingly low in ash so I think that the quality of the wood we used limited the amount of ash + volatiles flying through the kiln and negated the extra hours we put in.
I did get some absolute stunners out of the firing and am currently looking very long and hard at my new work to see what I make of the results. Photos soon.